Speakers Bureau
Conservative grassroots citizens who have proven to be effective orators on a wide range of enlightening topics. Each speaker is considered an ambassador of NRN and supports and advocates for our mission, principles and initiatives.
These speakers are available at no cost to groups in Texas, other than donations offered by the organizations and individuals requesting them. To book an NRN speaker, contact Dean Wright at [email protected] or 888-NRN-PAC1 (888-676-7221) x:701. NRN directors and contributors are also available for speaking engagements, special events, seminars, forums, training classes, fundraisers, charity events, promotions, interviews and other media events. From stay at home mom to small business owner to high tech entrepreneur, NRN directors have been recognized and interviewed in the national, state and local media. They have been on the forefront of some of the most publicized and critical political battles of our time. With deep admiration and respect for our American heritage, founding fathers and documents, NRN directors’ strengths lie in the support and avocation of the NRN principles and initiatives. To see more about the NRN directors, go to ABOUT. |
NRN Institute Initiatives
State's Rights Initiative
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